Life's Next Chapter Page 8
“Baby, there is nothing lousy about you. Nothing. I have been with you and it was far from lousy. If anything, it was so damn good I was hoping to have another go at it tonight. Like I said in the car, nothing that came out of Keith’s mouth had any effect on me.”
She wipes more tears away from her face. I lean down and pull off her strappy heels then stand and pull her up. “I want you to go start a bath, I’ll be in there in a minute.”
Her big blue eyes look up to me in question. “What are you going to do?”
Instead of answering, I place my hand on her lower back, escort her to the bathroom, and turn on the faucet to the tub. Kate is still standing in utter confusion. I slowly unzip her dress, making sure it doesn’t fall to the floor yet. If it does, I will never leave this bathroom and I have to do a couple things first. “Baby, I want to go lock the front gate. I’ll be right back. Get in and make room for me in the tub.” As I turn around and walk out of the bathroom, Kate calls to me.
“Luke, do you think Keith will come back here and cause more problems?”
“No, baby. I think I scared him.” I give her a wink and walk out of the room. I can only hope the punk stays away. Even though I have a gut feeling he will cause problems. If he hurts Kate, or the girls, I will do everything in my power to make him pay. Running down the stairs and out the kitchen door, I have this overwhelming feeling to protect her and her daughters, to keep them safe. I’ve only ever had this urge for one person, Danika. For eighteen years she’s been the only one, and now all these feelings that are stirring inside of me are foreign to me. The feelings I have right now aren’t just sexual. Granted she is sexy as hell, but what I feel for this woman is so much more. I grab my phone and call Brody.
“May I ask why you are calling me this late at night?” Brody’s groggy voice answers the phone.
“Bro, some shit went down tonight, and I just wanted to give you the heads up it might get worse.”
“What the hell are you talking about, Luke?”
“Tonight I took Kate out…”
Brody cuts me off before I can finish, “Dammit, Luke, I told you not to do anything with her until we are done with this project. Is she pulling you off the project because God help me if she is—”
“BRODY, will you fucking listen to me? I took her out on a date, we were having a great time and at the end of the date we ran into Keith…her ex-husband.”
“Well, he said some nasty shit towards Kate in front of a crowd of strangers. I said a few words to him thinking he would back off. Then he really said some horrible things to Kate. She got really upset and I got in his face and threatened him.”
“Fuck, Luke. You know he’s a cop, right?”
“That’s why I’m calling you. I know pricks like this. He’s going to want to make a scene. He knows where I work from the logo on my truck. I know he saw us get into it, so I have a feeling he will make a stop here this coming week; either he will arrest me, or cause some kind of shit. This is just how pussies like him work.”
“Shit! All right, well let’s cross that bridge when we come to it. Thanks for giving me the heads up. And, Luke, please don’t do anything to hurt Kate, or make the situation worse. I can’t afford to lose you on this project.”
“I know. It’s because you are a slave driver, and I work for pennies that you can’t lose me.” I sarcastically say to Brody to lighten the conversation. “Seriously, Bro, I like Kate a lot, I won’t do anything to jeopardize what we have. I got to go, but I just wanted to give you a heads up.”
“Thanks for ruining my night, ass hat! Take care.”
“You know it! Bye.”
With the gate closed and locked, I run back into the house. Locking the kitchen door, I walk to the fridge and grab two beers. As I head to the stairs, I notice her fireplace has candles in it. Going back to the kitchen I search her drawers until I come across a lighter then I grab a few candles from the fireplace. I make it to her room without dropping anything, and set the beers on her dresser. I put two candles on her nightstand, two on her dresser, lighting them as I go. Next, I strip down to my boxer briefs and grab the beers. I slowly open the bathroom door and see her lying in her ivory, vintage claw foot tub. She hears me and sits up, turning to face me. She’s been crying again, which breaks my heart even more. I hand her the beer. “Do you want company?” I ask, hoping she says yes.
“Sure.” She quietly replies. Kate takes my beer and places it on a small side table next to the tub. I strip off my boxers and climb in behind her. Sliding into the warm water is liberating. The feel of her warm skin against mine makes my dick jump to attention. Kate leans into me and slowly sips her beer. I take mine and drink. We stare out her huge glass window and look at the acres of grassland she has. I place the beer back on the small table and rub my hands up and down her arms, across her collarbone and along her neck. Leaning down, I slowly kiss her neck.
“Sunshine, please talk to me.”
She places her beer on the small table, and sits up. I think she is going to get out, but when she turns around to straddle me, the panic in my chest subsides. I lean forward so she can wrap her legs around my waist, and with her hips pressing my dick into my lower abdomen, I can only hope she will repeat history.
“I have to tell you something, and I don’t think you’re going to be happy.” Her eyes have turned serious and her voice is subdued.
I guess history won’t repeat itself.
LUKE HAS LEFT me alone in the bathroom, which I needed desperately. His words have sliced through my heart. It was my fault I messed up with Keith, and to know I could have possibly messed this up before it even started is making me sick to my stomach. During the heat of the moment in the truck I didn’t think about anything. Obviously. But the drive back to Ocala made me think. I thought of all the stupid mistakes I made with Keith. However, I learned sometimes a mistake, or a mishap, can be a true blessing. My daughters weren’t planned; nevertheless, they are the biggest blessing I could ever imagine. I can only hope Luke is as accepting of my mistakes.
I finally slide into the tub. The warm water melts away some of my tension, but not as much as I was hoping. I look out the window and as much as I don’t want to, I cry because I like Luke and I don’t want him to leave me. Our date tonight has got to be the best date I’ve ever had. Granted I didn’t go on many dates, hell I haven’t had that many lovers, including Luke, if that even counts. Oh God!! What have I done?
Luke returns with a beer for me. “Thank you.” I so need some more alcohol courage for what I am about to tell him. He strips in front of me and if I didn’t have this mind blowing secret to tell him, I would have oohed and aahed over his magnificent cock and his sexier than hell body. He slides in behind me, and all the nerves in my body start to quiver; my blood is boiling, and my hormones are swirling around, like a tornado. I inhale the beer, as if I was dying from thirst. I know this moment is awkward, and I am earnestly trying to find the strength to talk to him. Knowing I will have to look in those eyes of his makes me cry.
He asks me to talk to him, so it is now or never, well technically not never. He would eventually find out. So, I muster up the courage, and stand up so I can turn around and sit in his lap. Even though I can feel his cock against me, I can’t think about sex without knowing I am going to hurt him. Just like Danielle did.
“Luke, I have to be honest with you. It was my fault I got pregnant with the girls. I mean, I didn’t do it on purpose. I wasn’t looking to get pregnant. I was switching birth controls, and during the process I didn’t use a backup method.”
With his big calloused hands gripping my face, he looks at me and says, “Kate, I don’t know how you learned all about the birds and the bees, but it takes two to make a baby. So, I can see where you think it’s entirely your fault, but it’s also Keith’s. Where was his back up method? I don’t believe it’s solely the woman’s responsibility. Men need to take action, too.”
I have a fe
eling he will change his mind in about sixty seconds. “Well, then hold onto that thought because…I haven’t been on birth control since I found out I was pregnant with the girls.”
I can’t peel my eyes away from his. I am waiting for him to throw me across this tub and haul ass out of my life. He’s staring at me, but I don’t think he can see me. His pupils are dilated; in them I’m starting to see only black. I brace myself for the yelling that will come out of his mouth.
“Are you telling me when we had sex earlier today there was no protection against you getting pregnant?” he asks quietly, yet in a choked up manner. Ouch, that stung just a little.
I just look down into the water and nod my head yes. I can hear him hiss. “Luke, I am so sorry. I wasn’t thinking, hell all I wanted was for you to respond to me. Luke, before today I hadn’t had sex in over a year and half. Then we were kissing, and I just wanted us to be close. I know I fucked up terribly, but I wanted to let you know that if I am pregnant, I completely understand if you don’t want this relationship to continue.”
His black eyes look at me with fury. I shiver from the thought of what is going to happen next. He grabs my arms. “Do you honestly believe I would end what we have if you got pregnant with my child? We both fucked up by not having protection, but don’t you dare think I will leave you, or my child. I was a Goddamn child when I became a father and I never ran. I will not run with you.”
Tears are pouring out of my eyes and I’m sniffling. It’s the ugly cry that you never want to cry in front of people. “I wanted you to know you don’t have to stay with me if you don’t feel anything for me. I don’t want to endure another relationship like I had with Keith. If you want out, then do it now…the sooner the better.”
“Kate, you make me feel things I have never felt before. In my thirty-six years of life, I have never felt more adoration for another person. What I feel for you blows me away. You make me happy. If you are pregnant, then it’s just another person that will make me happy. I told you at dinner I wanted more children. I know it’s soon in our relationship, and I was hoping to get to know you more before we thought of a baby, but it is what it is and we will live with it.”
He wipes my ugly tears away with his thumbs. “Shh, baby, please, I don’t want to see another tear come down this beautiful face of yours. It will work out, whichever way it goes. Do something for me?”
I look into those big green eyes of his. “What?”
“Make love with me tonight.”
Wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling myself close to him, I kiss him with brutal force. Our tongues entwine and dance with one another. His mouth is warm and sweet. I could spend the night just kissing his mouth. Luke makes me feel like I’m on top of the world when he kisses me.
“Not here. I want you spread out on the bed,” he declares. Helping me off his lap, I climb out of the tub and reach for the towels on the nearby shelf. He grabs mine out of my hands, opens it, and starts to dry me off. Dropping down to his knees, he drags the towel down my lower back, around my hips, and down my legs. When he comes back up with the towel he drops the towel, grips my hips with both hands, and pulls me to his mouth. He trails hot kisses across my lower abdomen. Ducking his head, he gives me the softest kiss on my bare mound. He stands up and pulls me in for another scorching kiss. I return the favor, taking the towel and drying him off. With my hands pressing the towel to his chest I slowly dry his chest. He rips the towel from my hands and throws it on the floor. My hands are still pressing against his chest. I slowly slide them up feeling his pure, rock hard muscle and his rapid heartbeat. My hands cup his jaw, pulling his mouth closer. Our kiss intensifies and I’m ready to be horizontal. Luke grabs my thighs and picks me up, wrapping my legs around his waist. We never lose contact between our kissing.
Luke carries me to the bedroom, tenderly laying me on the bed. His eyes are full of need and want. He looks at me with desire and longing as he gently lies on top of me. I can feel his throbbing erection against my upper thigh. He crushes his lips to my mouth and we kiss with an intensity that could set the bed on fire. He breaks the kiss and moves away, kissing down my neck to my chest. He licks the swell of my breast and sucks on a hardened nipple. He licks and nips. I moan with cravings for more. I want more. I need more. “Luke,” I moan his name. He samples my other breast with the same concentration. He licks all the way down the center of my abdomen, until he reaches my bare mound. With his head in between my thighs, he looks up at me. “I’ve dreamt of this moment since the day I laid eyes on you.” With that he takes his thumbs and spreads my folds. He dips his head and licks me up and down.
I jolt from the sensation of his tongue. He torments my clit, makes it feel things it has never felt. “Oh God…right there…Luke.” I shout. The sensations running through me are intense. I’m perspiring and my breathing is labored. Luke continues to suck on my clit until the throbbing intensifies, and then the tightness in my abdomen starts. “Luke, I’m going to come,” I force from my dry mouth. I grab onto his head.
“Let go, baby, I want to taste you.” With those words I explode, my orgasm so violent I fear I’ll pass out. Luke continues to torment my clit, tasting all my juices that are flowing freely. Finally, when I’m about to beg for mercy, he pulls away, “Damn, baby, that was hot.”
With short breaths I reply, “Was it everything you dreamt of?” Giving him my biggest smile, as he moves up my quivering body.
“Sunshine, it was better. Taste for yourself.” He crushes his mouth to mine. I taste myself on him and it is erotic. He pulls away from the kiss and leans over the side of the bed, where he pulls his wallet out and grabs a condom.
“You came prepared,” I whisper to him.
“This time I did.” Getting his bearing straight, he kneels on the bed and slides the condom on. Laying back over me, he kisses me again. “I need to be inside you.”
“I need you, too,” I murmur to him.
Using his knees, he spreads me further then I feel his cock press at my entrance. His kisses deepen as he waits. “Luke, please!” I demand. With those words he slides his cock into my warm and greedy pussy. I tighten on his cock, letting him feel how much I want him.
“Sunshine. You. Feel. So. Damn. Good.” He gasps out each word while thrusting into me harder and faster.
“Don’t stop!” I breathlessly exclaim. The pleasure of having Luke’s cock inside of me makes me delirious with desire. I start to sweat, my legs are shaking, I can feel the tremble in my lower abdomen and my clit is pulsating, as if it is electrocuted. The feel of his large calloused hands running over my sensitive skin has me whimpering his name. My body is about to burst into flames. Luke makes my blood boil and my heart skip beats. Luke thrusts into me over, and over, until I feel the pleasure of my orgasm take over my body.
“Luke,” is all I can say.
“Come for me, Kate. I want to feel your pussy milk my dick.” Boom; my body explodes with the best orgasm of my life. My body shakes and tightens in areas I never knew existed.
Luke follows my body’s reaction and comes right after with me. Luke leans his forehead to mine as we struggle to catch our breath. “Kate, you’re amazing.” I can’t say anything; I’m struggling to find the brain cells to breathe. He rolls to the side of me and continues to kiss my neck, then moves to clean up. When he comes back, he pulls the covers over us and wraps me in his arms. With kisses to my forehead, he murmurs, “This is just the start, sunshine. There’s so much more I want do to this body of yours. Thank you for tonight.”
I leave kisses all over his scarred shoulder and collarbone. “Thank you, Luke,” I manage, as we fall into a deep slumber.
I SLOWLY AWAKE to the house phone ringing. I’m enveloped in Luke’s arms. Swinging his arms off of me, I reach over to the nightstand and grab the cordless phone. Seeing it is my grandparents’ number I hit the call button immediately. “Hello” I answer in my groggy morning voice.
“Morning, pri
ncess. What are you doing?”
“Nana, me, and Juju are making banana nut pancakes. Want to come over for breakfast? I sliced the bananas, momma!” Her sweet voice exclaims. I look at the alarm clock and wince that it’s only seven in the morning.
“Yeah, baby, let me get up. Can I talk to Nana? Love you, princess.”
“Love you, Momma.” She just melts my heart. It makes me think of the shit Keith said. I don’t see how he can say such hateful things about his flesh and blood. My Nana gets on the phone and I ask her when breakfast would be ready. I also ask if I can bring a guest. I can hear my grandmother snicker, knowing my guest is still sleeping next to me. She tells me breakfast will be ready in an hour and that my guest is more than welcome to come. Hanging up the phone, I look over at Luke, who looks so beautiful sleeping. I slide out of the bed and head for the shower. A couple minutes later Luke joins me.
“Good morning, sunshine,” he says as he wraps my body in his muscled arms.
My back is against his chest and I can already feel his hard erection against the small of my back. “Good morning to you,” I reply, turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck. He picks me up and holds me up against the cold tile. He kisses me hard and roams his hands across my body.
“Babe, as much as I want hot shower sex, we can’t. I told my grandmother we would be at her house for breakfast.”